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S O C I E T A S    M A C H I N A R V M

 [ S O C I E T A S  M A C H I N A R V M ]

Et in Arcadia Ego
High Scores from the Machinarum Arcade

All scores current as of last update: Wed Aug 28 00:04:18 MST 2024

 [ :: Arkanoid :: ]


High Scores
  1. xxx - xxx,xxx
  2. xxx - xxx,xxx
  3. xxx - xxx,xxx
  4. xxx - xxx,xxx
  5. xxx - xxx,xxx
  6. xxx - xxx,xxx
  7. xxx - xxx,xxx
  8. xxx - xxx,xxx
  9. xxx - xxx,xxx
  10. xxx - xxx,xxx

 [ :: Creature from the Black Lagoon :: ]

Creature from the Black Lagoon Pinball

Grand Champion
IRB - 401,220,180

First Place
TSO - 367,528,950

Second Place
TSO - 347,670,270

Third Place
TSO - 332,687,540

Fourth Place
TSO - 314,927,690

 [ :: Defender :: ]
Williams Defender (Red Label)

All Time Greatest
  1. IRB - 49750
  2. IRB - 47150
  3. IRB - 41575
  4. IRB - 39050
  5. IRB - 37750
  6. IRB - 37500
  7. IRB - 37225
  8. IRB - 36675

 [ :: SocMal Mortal Kombat Kompetition :: ]
Annual Intergalactic Pan-Dimensional Mortal Kombat Kompetition

9th Grand Champion: Dana V. Jones
8th Grand Champion: irb
7th Grand Champion: irb
6th Grand Champion: Dana V. Jones
5th Grand Champion: Lady Rose
4th Grand Champion: Dana V. Jones
3rd Grand Champion: Dana V. Jones
2nd Grand Champion: Dana V. Jones
1st Grand Champion: Dana V. Jones

Note: Tournaments are held once a year, usually at Hallowe'en.
Tournament rules: Sudden death best-of-three. Players may choose whichever character they like. Brackets will be determined by the Arcade Imperator.

 [ :: Popeye (cocktail) :: ]
Popeye (Cocktail)

Best Score
  1. 059660 : IRB
  2. 059440 : IRB
  3. 058930 : IRB
  4. 047730 : IRB
  5. 046440 : IRB

 [ :: Revenge from Mars Pinball :: ]

Revenge from Mars Pinball

High Scores
  1. GAG - 325,000,000
  2. LFS - 275,000,000
  3. XAO - 250,000,000
  4. IRB - 244,373,990
  5. IRB - 227,804,350

 [ :: Tempest :: ]

High Schores
  1. ROB - 296544
  2. ROB - 271868
  3. ROB - 255481
  4. IRB - 97745
  5. IRB - 94216
  6. IRB - 87308
  7. IRB - 78547
  8. IRB - 78161

 [ :: Terminator 2: Judgment Day :: ]
Terminator 2: Judgment Day

All Time Best
  1. IRB - 6,619,600
  2. IRB - 6,045,900
  3. IRB - 3,817,700
  4. GRB - 3,737,100
  5. JNO - 3,636,850
  6. IRB - 3,579,250
  7. IRB - 3,579,250
  8. IRB - 1,938,200
  9. IRB - 1,938,200
  10. GRB - 1,775,550
Note: GRB holds the Arcade record for Silverfish: 67

 [ :: NetHack :: ]

Nethack scores are listed on their own page: NetHack Scores
